pt 1 - Intro


Angles of striking

Skull & Bones


In this Dirty boxing tutorial on how to counter strike 'OFF THE BLOCK'

 using the 52 blocks aka jail house rock boxing with Filipino martial arts simultaneous counter techniques  

this pt 1 of this 4 pt 52FMA series where each video we cover a 52 blocking technique and 

and Filipino martial arts FMA couter strikes destructions joint locks and finishes

chapter 1 - Solo Minati goes over in full detail how to use the first Block '

The Crossed Bones' how to execute the Kali [EMPTY HAND] techniques off the block

the crossed bones is used to block deflect trap to inside or outside of attack and 

to catch an arm that holds a weapon the reason the forearms cross it makes it easier to 

catch the attack because the attackers arm get trapped between the two arms while hooking it 

Complete and Continue  